6-12 September 2021

Join us for fertility discussions, advice & support

Seeking your story for

Fertility Week: the missing kiwis
23-29 September 2019

We've found that personal accounts of infertility have immense value in reaching and connecting with people. They help form the foundation of Fertility Week, our public awareness campaign.   Personal stories will be included throughout the Fertility Week website, alongside the information which relates most closely.  Plus if you agree, your story can be offered to media who are covering Fertility Week.  We ask that people include a photo (not compulsory though) which makes the story seem more real to readers.  

What we are looking for:

  • an overview of your journey
  • challenges and decisions you faced along the way, or are facing, and how you have dealt with them
  • your personal experience, including the impact on your relationships
  • we are looking for a broad range of experiences - whether your 10 year journey has now concluded without children; you are in the thick of fertility treatment; or you are just starting to try for a family.  

Please complete the form below.  If you have any questions, contact Charlotte on 0800 333 306 or support@fertilitynz.org.nz.  

Questions?  Please contact Charlotte on 0800 333 306 or support@fertilitynz.org.nz